Tree Planting Nursery Centre

Saving our foresets.

Many plants, animals, and ecological habitats have been lost due to human activities and human inaction toward the preservation of the natural environment. We want to save and restore as many of our lost ecosystems as possible by rebuilding the lost forests within and around the land border of the Sipaku clan.

We are pleased to announce that our nursery is the largest nursery in Simbu Province to date. Our goal is to make our nursery the central hub for planting plants and trees for all surrounding communities to plant trees on their own land. To date, Dikasuna Nature Convservation Inc. has a total of more than 100,000 seedlings ready for planting.

Our nursery is designed and maintained by our two full-time gardeners; meet them on our Meet the Community page.

Native Plant Nursery

Keeping the beauty of our nature alive.

Our native plant nursery is a part of Project Green Lung, as we endeavor to bring back and spread the unique indigenous plants that grow in our lands. We store these beautiful plants within our nurseries, care for them, and replant them later when they are ready as part of one of our many reforestation projects aimed at restoring our lost forests and creating a safe space for the various types of plants and animals in order to achieve natural ecological biodiversity.

Find out more on Dikasuna Flora.


Project Green Lung


Youth Program